
The Renzo Giubergia Prize is open to ensembles with piano, between 3 and 5 performers, with no nationality restrictions.
The prize of 13,000 euros gross will be awarded to only one ensemble through an initial selection exclusively online, by audiovisual files and live streaming of the final rehearsal. A dedicated commission will select the ensemble most deserving.
Applications, sent via a specific form, must be received no later than June 17th 2024 (midnight).


- Ensembles of between three and five elements including piano will be admitted.
- The average age of the ensemble members may not exceed 27 years at the call deadline.
- The audio-visual material must be recent and must involve the same performers as those taking part in the planned selections. 
- Video recordings (with direct access link to the video, preferably via a YouTube platform, in public or reserved access), shall be uploaded via a specific application form.
- Together with the access link to the audiovisual recording, scans of the identity documents of each member of the ensemble must be uploaded to the specific repository, together with any other documents useful for the commission.
- The pieces performed must be original to the chosen ensemble. Transcriptions are not permitted.
- The prize, amounting to € 13,000 gross, will be awarded to a single ensemble which will be obliged, under penalty of forfeiture of the award, to participate in the prize-giving concert to be held at the "G.Verdi" Conservatory of Turin, on November 25th 2024. The award winners' accommodation expenses will be borne by the Fondazione Giubergia. The concert programme will be agreed upon with the artistic direction of the "Renzo Giubergia" Foundation.
- The judging commission will be composed of four musicians who are experts in the field, in addition to the Artistic Director of the Giubergia Foundation.


- The competition will consist of two stages:
 - preliminary round on recorded material
 - live streaming final.

- A maximum number of three ensembles will be admitted to the final.

In the case of pieces outside the usual repertoire, the submission of a PDF of the performed scores is requested.

Eliminatory round on recorded material: performance on audiovisual support of two original pieces, one of which written in the 20th or 21st century, or of one or more movements of the chosen compositions, for a maximum total duration of 30 minutes, to be uploaded with a direct link in the online procedure, no later than June 17th 2024.

The results of the preliminary round will be communicated to participants by e-mail within the end of July 2024.

Live streaming final: performance of two original pieces, without the possibility of repeating only one of the previously submitted pieces, with a minimum duration of 30 minutes and a maximum of 45 minutes.
Groups admitted to the final must be equipped with technical means suitable for high-resolution audio-video recording, with a good quality microphone.
The final will be streamed live on 23 October, at time to be defined, at the link that will be provided by the secretariat of the "Renzo Giubergia" Foundation.

The result of the final with the proclamation of the prize winners will be communicated to the participants by e-mail, within 3 days after the streaming.


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